Musings of a Crackpot

Ruby, rails and me

Posted in Programming, Ruby by T on the July 25th, 2006

I’ve been trying to teach myself Ruby and the Rails framework for some time. I’ll dive into it for a couple of days and then get bored. Tonight was one of those days I dove in. I was looking at tutorials online this evening and i saw that for creating a Todo list. I am forever needing ‘todo’ things, but i never like to use paper since i’ll lose those and I’ve got a PDA (packed away in my latest move, never to be seen again) and a cell phone both with the ability to have a todo list. Neither of which I use. However I am online a bunch, a whole bunch so I figured having an online Todo list would be perfect. A few hours later, I now have one. Currently it’s running on my home webserver, via, a great free service. As long as i remember to start my webserver the list should be up and running. I’m not using the default webrick service that comes with the Ruby installation. Instead I’m using Mongrel. So far it seems to be working pretty well.

I invite anyone to use my todo lists. Just click on the author panel and create yourself as an author, go back to the lists panel and have at it!! I’m sure that there is something that you are meaning todo. I’m going to use this as a building point with Rails and hopefully flesh out the app more in the future. It’s going to enable me to learn Ruby, Rails and mySql even more which are all good things.

Current Mood: (accomplished) accomplished

Home again

Posted in General by T on the July 13th, 2006
Current Mood: (thoughtful) thoughtful