Musings of a Crackpot

The Rrrrrrr

Posted in General, Music by T on the July 10th, 2005

artistic genius - fucked up person….i wonder just how often those two phrases end up going together. Currently, I speak about the one, the only (thank goodness), R. Kelly. As some of you might know, he has recently released a new CD out called TP3:Reloaded. On this CD is a collection of 5 songs, which tell a story. Titled “Trapped in the Closet Chapter 1- 5″, Kelly tells an amazing story, it’s been labelled an ‘urban operetta’ and I think that’s a very apparent description . I first heard part 4 of the series as i headed home for my mom’s birthday, at the time i didn’t know that there were 5 parts. I was in awe of how R.Kelly has the ability to really just tell a story, at times he’s just a modern day story-teller that’s masquerating as a musician. It’s an amazing gift. And like any skilled artist, he has a vision of his story, however unlike most he has the ability to share this vision and does so with a 5 part video, that can watched at his website. I suggest everyone go and watch it, even if you don’t like R. Kelly or his music, it’s worth it just to see and hear a quality story being told. Well that’s my music rant for the day…off to write some code and probably listen to even more music

Current Mood: (surprised) surprised
Current Music: Trapped in the Closet Chapter 3

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