Musings of a Crackpot

…Off the wheel…

Posted in General, News!! by T on the July 21st, 2005

Everyone circle the date on their calendars!! Today is the day that i finally got off the hamster wheel and started taking steps towards the next phase of my life! I was offered the job that i mentioned before, and i am taking it! Santa Ctuz here i come…i’m unbelievable excited about this decision on so many levels. Someone actually wants me to work for them, and are willing to pay me some decent money to do so. I get to move out west which is where i’ve been trying to get to since the first time i stepped off a plane in southern california years ago. I’m supposed to start working on August the 29th, which means that i have little over a month to figure out all those minor details…like finding a place to live, moving across the country…you know the small things like that:-) It doesn’t even matter, i have great family and friends, i’ll figure it all out. I’m am soooooooo excited!!!!!!

First steps:

Eat dinner, then start finding housing…it’s going to be a long night;-)

Current Mood: indescribable

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