Musings of a Crackpot

Stomp to my beat…

Posted in DDR, General by T on the October 11th, 2005

It slipped below my radar due to my moving, and new job and whatnot but there’s a new DDR game out for PS2. DDR Extreme 2 is the name of the game, and I had to buy it. So i did, and it is good. The feature set in the new game has definitely expanded over the original so it doesn’t have that feel of ‘expansion pack’. That being said, DDR is always going to be DDR, nice beats, crazy dance step combinations, and great fun.

DDR E2 has replaced the original game mode with a newer mission mode that has various challenges that can unlockthe availablity of new songs, outfits, courses, or just provide points to purchase things through the in-game store. There is also online play which I’m eventually going to try out if I can find a willing victim, i mean opponent. The workout mode has been slightly changed and you can now set goals to meet, where they are a certain number of songs dance, total time danced, or even a set number of calories danced away. Currently I have my goal set to be calorie based. I’m slowly easing my way into burning more and more cals, while trying to make sure that i play everyday.

Overall the music selection is pretty enjoyable, I was surprised how many of the tracks i already knew from DDR Freak Radio. Konami takes advantage of the DVD storage and has lots of videos to go with the songs, including the entire “Get Busy” video by Sean Paul. For me it helps to actually be able to have the video because it allows me to stay on the beat more and the steps just seem more nature.

It’s a great game, i plan to use it in conjunction with tennis 3 to 4 times a week (thanks you new job!) to get down to 250-240. I’m slowly getting there but the holidays are on the horizon and they will be tough..but I can do it…

Current Mood: (energetic) energetic
Current Music: We Be Burnin - Sean Paul

One Response to 'Stomp to my beat…'

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  1. Hannah said,

    on October 13th, 2005 at 4:59 pm

    Wow, that sounds like an awesome game. ^^ I remember how fun it was to play the regular one when I visited. XD Also, am digging the green text yo.

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