Musings of a Crackpot

2006 so far..

Posted in Flash, General by T on the January 4th, 2006

Hi all…let’s recap on 2006 so far shall we? On Sunday Janet and I rode up to ‘the City’ (San Fran) to want the last game of the season for the 49ers. It was the first professional football game that I have ever actually been to. The seats were awesome, Candlestick Park is my football mecca, even if they do call it Monster Park now. It’s always going to be Candlestick to me. The game was a battle between the 49ers (crappy this year) and the Houston Texans( even crappier). Luckily the defense for the 49ers showed up and played really well and we (the 49ers) managed to win the game in overtime. The fallout, the 49ers went 4-12 for the season, doubling the win total from last year, but completely eliminating themselves from having any chance at the number one draft which will probably be Reggie Bush from USC.

Started back working on Tuesday and I’ve gotten to play around with something fun again…Yahoo! Maps. At work I’ve been trying to develop a mapping process that would work with our current application and I tried both Google Maps and now Yahoo Maps. There are great aspects of both and I really wish that I could combine parts of both. Yahoo currently offers a Flash API for their mapping service and includes automatic geo-coding which is perfect for our needs. I’m really having fun playing around with this API and i’m hopefully going to have some free time to try it out for my own uses.

I’ve been watching the end of the college bowl season and there have been some really good games. I’m watching the USC-UT game right now and it’s a very very good game. I love some football.

At work I’ve been listening to podcasts from Zencast. I really enjoy their podcasts, I’ve been wanting to get more and more into mediation and zen mediation and buddism in general and this allows me to learn and reflect at work and actually helps to keep me calm in regards to my interactions with with some of the people in the company that i work for.

Well that’s been my 2006 so far, not great but not spectular either. But overall I’m liking 2006.

Current Mood: (good) good

One Response to '2006 so far..'

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  1. Lisa said,

    on January 13th, 2006 at 2:54 am

    Ooooh. I’ve wanted to get into meditation since I was about 14 and never did. I’m going to have to grab that podcast. I have an aversion to podcasts, though. hrm.

    When are you visiting me again? =)

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