Musings of a Crackpot

Can’t sleep…

Posted in General, Money Matters, Programming, Ruby, Work by T on the August 4th, 2006

Man things have been in a flux these last 3 weeks back from my vacation. Events at work have been on both a downward turn and an upward turn at the same time. Unfortunately i feel that the downward aspects are far outpacing the positive ones, so I continue my search for the next horizon, the next phase of my career while trying to make the most of the current one. I hate being cryptic and I hope to be able to fully divulge everything at a later date.

Other than work things have been going well. Falco and his wife had their first child. He’s a proud dad and I’m really happy for him. To Thaxton, i say hello and welcome into this crazy world young man. Old friends have resurfaced which excites me to no end, I don’t know what’s to come of it all but I’m always glad to reconnect with people. My move out west has taken me so far, both physically and also in my development as a person. College is years behind me now but I continue to make the effort to keep the connections forged then.

I’ve also continued my attempts to learn more about Ruby and Rails. I created an online cookbook. Hopefully everyone that visits will leave at least one recipe. Feel free to use this as place to store and share your recipes. Thanks goes out to Rebecca for being the first person to truly put my app through it’s paces. My goal for the next version is to have a section for ingredients so that people can eventually sort through the recipes based on what ingredient(s) they want to use. I also have another round of improvements in store for my todo-list app as well.

This weekend I’m going to set aside some time to truly dive into AS3 and even more of Flash 8. I’m got these incredible tools at my fingertips and I’m just short changing myself by failing to take advantage of them. It’s time for that to change, if for no other reason than I really do need to put together a portfolio of some sort. At times it’s hard to be a Flash Developer that’s worked on closed systems, it makes it rather difficult to show off what you can do.

Current Mood: awake

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