Musings of a Crackpot

Black Snake Moan

Posted in Movies by T on the July 2nd, 2007

No, it’s not a porn movie. It’s the name of the movie that stars Sam Jackson and Christina Ricci. I remembered that I had wanted to see it when it was out in theaters but I ended up being too busy and forgot about it as I tend to do. Well I bought it the other day after seeing it while standing in line at Circuit City. I just finished watching it and I really liked it. One would think that since I already like Sam Jackson and have a major crush on Christina Ricci, then this would be a no brainer, but I really enjoyed the movie and definitely want the soundtrack.

I recommend this movie to any and all, provided they can handle the language and the nudity.

Current Mood: (satisfied) satisfied
Current Music: Stoli snoring

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