Musings of a Crackpot

Birthday Celebration Jubilee!

Posted in General, Janet, Movies, News!! by T on the June 15th, 2008

It’s my birthday today! It’s also Janet’s birthday today, so it’s been a big birthday celebration weekend. Yesterday was the beginnings with a visit to Hakone Gardens. It was great, i had been wanting to go and it was so relaxing and enjoyable. Of course, me being me, i ended up buying stuff at the gift shop and am thinking about becoming a member and looking into perhaps taking some of the meditation classes that are offered there. After the Gardens, the adventure connected and we went to Japantown in San Jose. While it’s not as big as the Japantown in San Francisco, it’s still got lots of neat little shops and I ended up buying a transformers and perusing the grocery shop which i always love to do. After Japantown, we were off to San Bruno for the grand finale of the day, Cleo’s! I ate so much, it was frickin delicious!

Today i got the meat of my birthday gifts, UMD movies for my PSP and a Nintendo DS lite! I had been wanting one forever so it was an awesome gift. I also received online birthday wishes from many friends and even an unexpected one that really made my morning. Then I took Janet out for her birthday breakfast, swung by Gamestop and used a birthday giftcard to get games for my DS and then surprised Janet by getting her a DS for her birthday! I had already gotten her a piece of art that I thought that she would like and a mini wine cellar so it was a good birthday all around. Later tonight we went and saw You Don’t Mess with The Zohan It was pretty funny overall, and some of the scenes are just hilarious! Overall it’s definitely been a great birthday weekend.

Current Mood: (ecstatic) ecstatic

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